Gate Access

For Visitors:

  • At the kiosk, use the “A” or “Z” button to find your sponsor’s name, and press the “Call” button.
  • Your sponsor presses 9 on their phone to open the gate.
  • If you are a contractor who frequently enters Cape Horn Estates, you are welcome to use the Contact page on this website to request a code of your own.

For Property Owners:

  • Each property owner in Cape Horn Estates has an entry in the kiosk directory associated with a phone number, a 4-digit personal entry code, and remote controls for the gate.
  • Enter your code starting with a pound sign (#), then the four digits.
  • To change your phone number, update or review your personal code, or buy more remote controls, please contact Sarah Zabel at
  • Additional remote controls are available for $25 each. They use an A21/A23 battery, which comes installed.
  • The gate’s phone number is (838) 288-0703. When called, you can press 9 on your phone to open the gate.
  • Contact Sarah Zabel if you want to request the gate be held open for a specified time period. If you cannot make positive contact with Sarah in a reasonable amount of time, contact any other Board member.
  • Please report any issues with the gate to Sarah Zabel.